A non-profit Canadian initiative

APM Canada is the umbrella organization for its various chapters, each one acting as a thriving community with the commitment to diversifying product teams

Our Mission

APM Canada believes in a world where anyone, regardless of background, has equal access to become a Product Manager.

We envision a Canadian product management ecosystem that is representative of the diversity of the customers it serves, where there is equitable and open access to entry-level product roles, and where lifelong career growth, learning and networking opportunities are available for all

APM Participant looking directly into the camera, black and white image.

The APM Canada story

In 2017, during a conversation between product leaders who had difficulty finding talent, the idea of the Associate Product Manager (APM) program was born.

Over dinner, they discussed the challenges they faced in ensuring that products met the needs of their customers, and how difficult it was to find qualified product managers from diverse backgrounds who had the skills and knowledge needed to address these challenges. They realized that there was a gap in the market for a comprehensive product management training program that could provide aspiring product managers with the skills and knowledge they needed to succeed in the role. To fill this gap, they needed to create a program that combined theoretical knowledge with practical experience, and that was designed to help participants develop the key competencies needed to excel in the field of product management.

After the successful launch of APM Toronto, the team connected with a few Product Leaders in Montreal who were equally passionate about furthering the mission, and the APM Montreal chapter was established in 2021.

APM is quickly growing, with a remote chapter and a Vancouver chapter coming very soon.

Our Impact

Since our inception, APM Canada has made a significant impact on the Canadian product management industry. In just a few short years, dozens of Canadian companies have added hundreds of new entry-level APM Canada-trained product managers to the Canadian pool of tech talent.

Bleu Vector, with text saying 100 + APM Trained PMsBrown Vector, with text saying 25 + Canadian Compagnies

Meet the Board

Our board is made up of experienced product managers and other industry leaders committed to diversifying and building up the product management community in Canada.

Get Involved

At APM Canada, we are committed to making our program open to the product management community at large. If you are interested in a partnership, would like to launch a new chapter or would like to take part in future cohorts, we encourage your product leads to reach out for more information on how your company can get involved.

Contact us

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If you’re interested in participating in the program, reach out to us for more information.

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